Bounce Around Game Maker

printable board game template

Bounce Around Board Game Template

lets you make board games with content squares. Add review questions, exercises, math problems, or other activities for the players to complete as they play the game.

There are 22 content boxes, but you can also use the same text more than once if you don't need so many options. If you need information on how to play this game, please follow that link to the game description page.

This template is the text only version.
(There are templates for using images, as well as images and text. To change the template, see the Bounce Around main page.)

Enter the content for your game board:

Font Face:  
Comic Sans
Font Size:  

You can leave any of the text boxes blank if you don't need them.

The game board should print fine on both 8x11 paper and A4, but you might need to adjust the margins before you print. At the top right of your browser, go to the tools menu and choose 'page properties'. You should see an option for margins. Reduce the top and bottom margins until the game prints on one page.

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