CrissCross Bingo Board Template

crisscross board game

Make and print CrissCross Bingo boards

with your choice of images, text or a mix of both. For boards with images, choose images below for across and down. Click the 'make it' button when you are ready.

The maker will randomize your choices and make 6 boards. If you need more, just refresh your browser to get 6 new arrangements.

You are making 4x4 boards and your image category is Transport.
(To change the category, see the CrissCross page.)

Select images for your boards:

Images - across:

Images - down:

Text - across:

Text - down:

Font Face:  
Comic Sans
Font Size:  

Instead of choosing pictures, you can use the boxes to the right to enter text, but you can't do both in the same row or column. If you want to use text, leave the images blank and visa versa. The text slots will add your text to the boards but if you have already selected an image, it will add both. 'Make it' and you'll see what is going on. :) To use both text and images, you can mix them into one board by making half text across and half images down, for example.

You will not be able to print two of the 4x4 boards on the same page (not even side-by-side in landscape.) When you click 'print', the maker will print one board per page and I have designed it so that the next board automatically jumps to the next page. To save on paper, you can print on smaller paper sizes like B5.

To make more boards, refresh the browser and the maker will generate a new configuration. Print off as many pages as you need.

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