Free Dice Templates : Make 2 dice per page, one with images and one with text. Select the images that you'd like to use for the first dice and enter your text for the second dice. Click 'make it' and you're ready to print and go!
Your category is Recess . If you need dice with images from a different category, please see the dice template page for all of the options.
Select 6 pictures for your first die:
Picture 1:
1_blank 1_draw_your_own bully_kids catch_bugs do_handstands do_summersaults fight hang_out_on_steps jump_rope listen_music play_catch play_dodgeball play_games play_hide_and_seek play_hopscotch play_in_dirt play_leap_frog play_on_bars play_on_swings play_sports play_tag race read_books show_off splash_in_puddles talk_to_friends tease_girls tell_jokes tell_secrets text_friends trade_cards walk_around
Picture 2:
1_blank 1_draw_your_own bully_kids catch_bugs do_handstands do_summersaults fight hang_out_on_steps jump_rope listen_music play_catch play_dodgeball play_games play_hide_and_seek play_hopscotch play_in_dirt play_leap_frog play_on_bars play_on_swings play_sports play_tag race read_books show_off splash_in_puddles talk_to_friends tease_girls tell_jokes tell_secrets text_friends trade_cards walk_around
Picture 3:
1_blank 1_draw_your_own bully_kids catch_bugs do_handstands do_summersaults fight hang_out_on_steps jump_rope listen_music play_catch play_dodgeball play_games play_hide_and_seek play_hopscotch play_in_dirt play_leap_frog play_on_bars play_on_swings play_sports play_tag race read_books show_off splash_in_puddles talk_to_friends tease_girls tell_jokes tell_secrets text_friends trade_cards walk_around
Picture 4:
1_blank 1_draw_your_own bully_kids catch_bugs do_handstands do_summersaults fight hang_out_on_steps jump_rope listen_music play_catch play_dodgeball play_games play_hide_and_seek play_hopscotch play_in_dirt play_leap_frog play_on_bars play_on_swings play_sports play_tag race read_books show_off splash_in_puddles talk_to_friends tease_girls tell_jokes tell_secrets text_friends trade_cards walk_around
Picture 5:
1_blank 1_draw_your_own bully_kids catch_bugs do_handstands do_summersaults fight hang_out_on_steps jump_rope listen_music play_catch play_dodgeball play_games play_hide_and_seek play_hopscotch play_in_dirt play_leap_frog play_on_bars play_on_swings play_sports play_tag race read_books show_off splash_in_puddles talk_to_friends tease_girls tell_jokes tell_secrets text_friends trade_cards walk_around
Picture 6:
1_blank 1_draw_your_own bully_kids catch_bugs do_handstands do_summersaults fight hang_out_on_steps jump_rope listen_music play_catch play_dodgeball play_games play_hide_and_seek play_hopscotch play_in_dirt play_leap_frog play_on_bars play_on_swings play_sports play_tag race read_books show_off splash_in_puddles talk_to_friends tease_girls tell_jokes tell_secrets text_friends trade_cards walk_around
If you are printing on Letter sized paper, you will probably need to adjust your top and bottom margins to print two dice on one page. Another option is to reduce the scale to 90%. The templates should print fine on longer paper sizes, like Legal or A4.
Mix these with different games and different dice for vocabulary practice, ESL games and activities, or any other speech/communication related activity. See the main page , for more ideas.